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?What does love means to you -تعلم الانجليزية

?What does love means to you

We were all gathered at one of my friend’s house having some snacks and tea. When on of my friends? asked me what does love means to you

I paused for a second when this question was asked to me. I turned my memories pages backwards and smiled and said that love is the best gift ever to oneself it makes you realize the beauty of nature, it makes you realize the bird nest that has been the whole year there and you never gave a moment to look at it,I remember realizing that amazing flower growing between the rocks and couldn’t believe I haven’t seen it before although I passed by it every single day and I didn’t realize that amazing flower. There where lots of worries but love made me feel as if some one was patting me on the shoulder telling me don’t worry sweet heart every thing is going be fine .Yeah it’s been a long time since I felt my cheeks flush I loved those days when my eyes was glittering with happiness every one could see the way I smiled and laughed the way I was so energetic to life, I suddenly paused again and flipped my memories pages forward and said love is very beautiful but it pains like hell, it cuts you very deeply but the only thing is when you are in love people smiles at your smile, but when love hurts you no one cries when you cry. Love hurts like hell it sucks all the happiness and joy out of you life and you feel that you can’t survive any more days, months even years comes and goes and life goes on after lots of battles and wars you survive and try to live your life normally and you succeed but this time the mirror you use to look at yourself is broken into big pieces but you still look the way you are before you got in love you still can see the beautiful heart of yours. Life goes on and again I flip my memories pages to forward and look at myself again getting in love again but this time I’m more careful than first time. I have got hurt and I’m not willing to go again on that road but life again takes me to another beautiful road where I can even see rainbows when it’s raining which made me believe again in love and smile and laugh out louder than the last time I had faith that this time is much better that the last time, I believed that I am more mature this time and life changes and it is worth taking this chance and I again I loved and cried a lot and tried to survive but this time I felt I won’t be getting along and I don’t want to get over mountains but I did and faster than I thought I could, life goes on days and months. As I’m a human being and couldn’t live without love I missed the days I saw rainbows in rain and enjoyed the beauty of nature I went back giving myself another chance but this time I was surprised that the mirror that I use to look at is broken in to very small peaces I tired gathering them but it cut my figures and I could see blood all around my hands and it suddenly spread to my neck and face holding me back. I could see myself very blue and hopeless I lost the free gift from GOD which called (faith) and believed that it is a miracle if I did gather my small peaces again and enjoyed the fever of love but it is only 1% and I won’t give it a chance it’s not worth it this time since the small peaces of the mirror is hard to go back. I looked up with a blue smile and said that is what love means to me would you want me to pour you some tea and there was a very long silence till one of my friends said I would love too drink some tea.

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