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Second Fashion Flick -قصة رائعة

相关的仑题文章: lady gaga will not stop Usa top model cycle 10 lady gaga will not stop The filmmaker RJ Cutler projected his last film for a handful of reporters yesterday evening at the Crosby Hotel in SoHo. The chronic short 10 minutes, for the love of fashion, three days before the Rag & Bone’s parade last February in New York called. Cutler had, after he approached the leaders of the Starbucks was, who had admired the show in September, is the feature documentary Cutler, who last year was published. Designers Marcus Wainwright and David Neville have a prominent place in the documentation that shows that the production sequences and especially behind the scenes. Rag & Bone designers Marcus Wainwright (L) and David Neville It was great to see the duo work together, as they shot their roots in British culture and the road to American Heritage (Wainwright and Neville is applied married two American women, living in New York). Presentations in February, they said, a response "to the mode of being available was." And they are clearly satisfied with the results, but they admitted that a film crew follow their every move was "very intense". Cutler, meanwhile, said he had no agenda, go to the shooting, he wanted to jump up and easy to follow, where it took the story. "Your job is to see things as clearly as possible," said Cutler. "It is a kind of Zen-ish thing. Cutler said he approached the movie on its own soil, and not as a result of some way to prove on the issue September even several shots Anna Wintour look at the runway and backstage chat with the guys. In the fashion industry, at least you’re never too far from Ms. Wintour. herve leger herves leger herve leger dress herve bandage dress herve leger bandage dress herve dresses herve dress herve leger dresses herve V neck herve V neck dress herve leger news herve leger blog

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