معهد تعلم لغات العالم

My Words !!! لتعلم الانجليزية

Assalamou 3alaykom wara7matou Lahi Ta3ala wa barakatoh, dear sisters and brothers, i wanna today start to share with you my writings, that i’ve written months a go, and that i kept for myself and couldnt post in any forums, but now, it’s time, i think that what we write isn’t ours, but it must be shared with all we love and all we appreciate.
I wanna you excuse me, sisters and brothers, because i have a french keybord and i never used to write in arabic, so all my messages will be in English, and i hope that it will not cause any inconveniece to you.
!!! First of all, i will start with my first poem, it’s called IF

!!! IF

,If yesterday never dies
?Could i stand and open eyes
To see, to say and to hear heven’s sound
Heart’s close, hands’re open wide
The sun rise and set at the same time
Today’s comin’ just to wipe off my crime
,If today never ends
?How to find my soul, my mind
Lost between space and time
However life’s runnin’, im standin’
In the middle of the storm
Feelin’ the hot, the cold and the warm
Waitin’ for tomorrow to ease my pain
To open my eyes, to enjoy the sunshine
,If tomorrow never comes
,No hope, no aim and no dream
?How can i live, i just wanna know
!!! I will survive, that’s sure
But just to hate, to hit, to kill and to die
No one can save me, when there’s me
,There’s no one else, dyin’ silently
???? Waitin’ for you, will you let me down

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هنا
سبحان الله و بحمده

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