It was told that a wise old man took his grandson outside the city to teach him…
They reached a long beautiful Vally surrounded by big mountains..
While they were walking the kid fell on a little rock…
His knee took the hit, he screamed in pain.” ocuhhhhh!!!!”…
Suddenly he heard a voice coming from a distance..screaming ”ouchhhh”
Who is this? The kid asked, ignoring his pain…
the answer came from the voice with the same question”who is this’?
The boy was bothered by challenge and shouted..
”Its me who is asking who is this??”..
With the same angry tone the voice replied..
”Its me who is asking who is this??…
The boy lost his mind and was fuming with anger so he shouted..
”You Are A coward bastard”..
with the same strength came the reply..
you are a coward bastard..
The boy stopped and looked at his garndpa looking for help..
The wise man shouted” i respect u”
the reply came with the same beautiful tone ” I respect you”…
The boy was baffled by the change of the voice attitude..
The grandfather went on saying ”How wonderful you are”
the voice replied respectfully” how wonderful u are”
The wise man said..” Son in school and physics this is what they call echo..
But for me its life it self..
Life gives you what you give her..
Life strangle u if u strangle her..
Life is the mirror of ur deeds and the ECHO of ur words..
you have to love in order to be loved..
respect in order to be respected..
listen in order to be listened to..
In Life u will find what u gave and harvest what u planted..
التصنيف: معهد تعلم لغات العالم
Lonely -للتعلم
Remember first time we met day one
Kids in the garden’ playing’ games heaven’ fun
Exciting and amazing having a real friend of mine
Face to face and eye to eye
Using our hands to buy and supply
Chilling is cool from January to June
And we still stiked together like the glue
And know the rules
Forever you and I and believe it was clear
If I ever should fall I could count on you with no fear
Running out of time I see who’s fake
Alone without protection from all them snakes
All for one one for all I was told
Black white yellow no matter if your young or old
Nana’s in the house to let you know
What I see is how I feel and damn
I’m alone
I am lonely lonely lonely
I am lonely lonely in my life
I am lonely lonely lonely
God help me help me to survive!
Everybody’s tripping on me
Oh lord come help me please
I did some bad things in my life
Why can’t you rescue me ’cause you’ve got all I need
I know I got to pay the price
Cheeping thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight
Tears in my eyes I’m a man looking for the light
Dark is the path I know he will rescue me
The lord is my shephard I’m cool despite emergency
Whom shall I fear exept the god
Thank you for the blessin’ and the skils on the mic
Five years we know there’s no diggity
Free at last see the light in me
What goes up must come down
I’ll be around while you heading towards deathtown
Always look forward hardly never look back
So many tears and the snakes on my jock
Now I’m riding in my big fat ride
Your ass is late so look for the line
Nana in the house to let you know
What I see is how I feel so leave me alone
Knock on my door whom you looking for
A dream or reality enemies at my door
Eyes I realize it’s fantasize I must be high
So let me live before I die
Once again grab the bottle twist the cap
To survive your life is yours my life is mine
No emotions in this world full of lies
Step my step and be versatile
Love peace and crash that’s what it’s all about
Alone by yourself than you lack there’s no doubt about
I’m always into something making moves to improve
What would you do if you where in my shoes
Boom a letter oops another suicide
Meet me for a ride at the boulevard
Nana’s in the house to let you know
What I see is how I feel and damn I’m alone
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الغايب عذره معه
The absent party is not faulty
يزيد الطين بلة
Add fuel to the fire
كل شدة وتهون،الصبر مفتاح الفرج
After black clouds, clear weather
الطيور على أشكالها تقع
Birds of feather flock together
هذا الشبل من ذاك الأسد
A chip of the old block
الأقربون أولى بالمعروف
Charity begins at home
عامل الناس كا تحب أن يعاملوك
Do as you would be done
الصلح سيد الأحكام
Conciliation is the matter of the law
اعمل خير والقه في البحر
Do good and cast it into the sea
الغاية تبرر الوسيلة
The end justifies the means
رب ضرة نافعة
Every cloud has a silver lining
لا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة
Don’t put your head in the lions mouth
الصديق وقت الضيق
A friend in need is a friend indeed
اطلبوا العلم من المهد إلى اللحد
Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave
إنّ بَعد العسر يسرا
After the storm comes sunshine
اتّق شرّ من أحسنت إليه
Beware the man who has received charity from you
Benifits Of Silence
Gives you a powerfull strength to think deeply about everything around which helps u give a rational response
Makes u control -with ur stares- who ever in ur company and make them wonder what do these looks mean..
Silence that is compined with certain simple moves and gestures make who ever is talking to u say more important details than he planned to say
genrates a wild anger inside people talking to u becuase they consider it a hidden challange..
Is the best solution for married couples’ little problem..
Is a skill that always helps u control everyday issues..use it, try it,and u will
see the difference it would make
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اخوانى اعضاء المدونة
اليوم اقدم لكم احدى افضل المواقع فى تنميه مهارات
ان لم يكن افضلهم على الاطلاق
وكل خدمات الموقع مجانيه
اغلب مراكز تعليم اللغه تستخدم هذا الموقع لما يحتويه من ماده مفيده جداا حيث يوجد به الكتير من المحادثات والجدير انه يدربك ويمرنك لما تم دراسته فى خلال تلك المحادثه بطرق يعبده عن الملل المصاحب لاى عمليه تعليميه
وهذه هى بعض المحادثات على هذا الموقع فى الصفحه الرئيسيه
للدخول الى الموقع :
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The knight came forward. He fell on his knees in front of her. Everyone heard his answer.
"my lady & my queen, the thing which every woman wants most of all is to be head of her house, she wants to make her husband do as she wishes"
When they heard this, all the people said that it was the right answer! "let him live!" They cried
The queen was very pleased with this answer. She said, "you shall be free, & live!"
Suddenly, the old woman came forward. "be good to me too, my lady" she said to the queen. "I said to the knight,(I will tell u the answer, but you mist promise to do what I ask you to do)". She turned to the knight, "did you not promise this?".
"yes", said the knight. "that is what I promised".
She said, "before all these people I ask you to take me as your WIFE!!". Her face was very ugly. It was uglier than ever!.
The knight said unhappily, "what you say is true, I did promise this, but please – please let me go free! Do not make my marry you!"
"NO!" she said. "no! I am old & ugly & very poor, but I want most of all to be your wife, I want to win your love"
"my love !!" he answered. "you cannot really hope for that !"
The queen & her ladies & the people were laughing. They knew that the knight wanted to die now. Hw did not want to marry this ugly old woman.
Then the queen spoke: "you must do as you promised".
"yes" said the knight, " I must do as I promised".
There was no dancing & singing. There were no fine clothes & fine food. No jewels & flowers at their marriage. It was done, very quickly.
Then the knight went away & hid for the rest of the day. He did not want to look at his ugly old wife.
That night, his ugly wife turned to him & said, "come, dear husband, is this how a knight of king Arthur keeps his promise? What have I done wrong? Tell me, & I will try to do better & please you"
"do better?" said the knight. "you cannot make your age les & you cannot make your face any better"
"is that all that is wrong?" she asked laughing at him.
"Is it not enough?" he answered.
"beauty is only on the outside", she said. "the face becomes old but the heart is always young, what a person does is the great thing, the man who does the best & kindest things is far better than a great lord who does bad & unkind things"
For a long time, she talked quietly, to him. He was surprised.
"you know a great deal,& you r very good" he said. "you have taught me a lot about men & women & goodness & badness".
At the end she said, "is it good to have a wife with a beautiful face who gives you great un happiness? Or a wife who is old & ugly but is very kind to you & makes you very happy?"
The knight’s heart was softened by all that he had heard from her.
"my lady, my love, & my dear wife" he said, "you are very wise & good I will do what seems best to you".
She laughed, "remember the answer which you gave to the queen? Will you let me rule over you?"
"yes, truly" he said, " I know it will be best"
She kissed him & said, "don’t be angry, I will be both to you, both beautiful & good, if I am not as beautiful as any queen tomorrow, do as you wish with me!"
And the knight drew her to him & kissed her. And he found that he was kissing a very beautiful girl, the most beautiful girl in the world. For his wife was really a fairy. She had wanted to try out his goodness as a knight.
They lived happily together all their lives.
Well friends !!
That’s the end of the story
Hoped that you enjoyed it
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Total World Population : 6.5 Billion
مجموع سكان العالم : 6،5 بليون نسمه
Total Muslims in the world : 2 Billion
مجموع المسلمين في العالم : 2بليون
Total Smokers in the world : 1.15 Billion
مجموع المدخنين في العالم : 1،15 بليون
Total Muslim smokers in the world : 400 million
مجموع المسلمين المدخنين في العالم : 400 مليون
Largest Cigarette maker is Phillip Morris
اكبر صانع السجائر فيليب موريس
Phillip Morris donates 12% profits to Israel
فيليب موريس يتبرع ب 12 ٪ أرباح لاسرائيل
Total Muslim money to Morris $800 million DAILY
اجمالى اموال المسلمين الى موريس 800 مليون دولار يوميا
Average profit margin is 10%
متوسط هامش الربح هو 10 ٪
Average profit for Morris is $80 million DAILY
معدل الربح لموريس هي 80 مليون دولار يوميا
Thus $9.6 million of Muslim money goes to Israel every single day
وهكذا 9،6 مليون دولار من أموال المسلمين تذهب الى اسرائيل كل يوم واحد
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Praise be to Allah.
Allah has encompassed all things by His mercy and knowledge and He has encompassed all things by His might and power. Glory be to Him; His is great wisdom, His will is always executed and His might encompasses all. He chose whom He wanted among mankind to be Prophets and Messengers, bringers of glad tidings and warners, and He raised some of them above others in status, and He singled out all of them for whatever characteristics He wanted, by His grace and mercy. He singled out for His close friendship His close friend (khaleel) Ibrahim and Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon them), and He singled out each Prophet for whatever He wanted of signs and miracles that were appropriate to his time, by means of which proof could be established against his people, out of wisdom and justice on His part. No one can put back His command, and He is the Almighty, the Wise, the One Who understands the finest mysteries and is Well Acquainted with them. Not every virtue on its own implies superiority. The fact that Isa was singled out to be lifted up into heaven whilst still alive happened according to the will and wisdom of Allah. It was not because he was superior to his fellow Messengers, such as Ibrahim, Muhammad, Musa and Nooh (blessings and peace of Allah be upon them), for they were given characteristics and signs which imply that they are superior to him.
To sum up, this matter has to do with Allah, Who decides as He wills; He is not to be questioned about what He does because His knowledge and wisdom are perfect. Moreover, asking about that does not affect any action or confirm any belief; rather the one who asks about that may become confused and filled with doubt. The believer is required to accept things that are Allah’s affairs and strive hard in matters that are human concerns such as belief and action. This is the way of the Prophets and Messengers, the way of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and of the guided early generations of this ummah. And Allah knows best.
And Allah is the source of strength. May Allah send blessings and peace upon all Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. End quote.
Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Razzaaq ‘Afeefi, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ghadyaan, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Qa’ood
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مين يجيب لي تاشيرة ابي ادرس لغة انجليزية وناس التجربة ماهي افضل المعاهد والجامعات من كل النواحي التكاليف الامن علما باني بنت؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟