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مشآركتي | مسآبقة آللغة آلآنجليزية تعليم انجليزي

آلسلآم عليكم و رحمة آللة و بركآتةة

آقدم لكم مشآركتي في مسآبقةة آللغة آلآنجليزيةة

تفضلوو | آتمنى تعجبكم

آلعمر | 14
الصف | آلثآآني متوسط

آلتعبير |

There fox arrogant and conceited and always making fun of his friends and do their landfills.
On one occasion he went to play with his friends, who always make fun of them,
But they refused to play with him because of his bad behavior, fox went away and sat under the tree and had seen them with sadness
Then he said in himself must be the best act he went to his friends again and promised that he would not abusive act with them again and I apologize to them, and then to play with him, and so they became good friends
And the piece we must move away from the arrogance and vanity to love us all.

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سبحان الله و بحمده

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