القسم العام

تعليم اللغة الانجليزية مع ديزني

تعليم اللغة الانجليزية مع ديزني

Disneys World Of English

-تعليم الاطفال الانجليزية مع عالم والت ديزنى

اربع اسطوانات لتعليم الاطفال اللغة الانجليزية
من خلال عالم والت ديزنى

(((Disneys World Of English Sing Along 1 Basic Abcs)))

Disneys World Of English Sing Along 1 Basic AbcsMPG | 352×240 @ 1125 Kbps | Stereo @ 128 Kbps; 44100 Hz | 01:02:32 | 625 MbDisneys World of English has been designed to maximize childrens learning abilities, by providing tools necessary to build their vocabulary in English. This course was designed applying the proven theory that the sooner children start to learn a , the greater the chance they have of acquiring it and speaking without an accent. Studies have shown that learning a at an early age increases the childrens opportunities for success in all areas.

Disneys World Of English

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